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How can you help? 


There is only one thing we want able and stable companies to do. 

That is to hire at least one additional worker, whom you hadn't planned on hiring,

and try to make it work.

Many small to medium sized companies would find this unworkable, with all that is still

wrong with the economic situation.  But there are companies who are able to, but haven't.

Make a pledge that you will "adopt" some unemployed person with skills or promise that

in a different economic environment you might give a break to. 

Now is the time to give someone a break.  A chance.


Luckily, what this means is that you are in total control of how this will be implemented. 

You will not have to wait, or delay, once you have made the commitment.  You will have to assess

if it is necessary to trim your budget and cut costs to allow for this, or if you are able to do so

without much detriment.  What it does mean is that you are going to have the vision to be

audacious and bold, and socially responsible for a person in trouble.  This means that you may

have to ask more of your employees,  your staff, and yourself.  This means that you will have to in

some cases discover a new position. Or become more frugal.  But at the end of the day, you can have

the pride and satisfaction of knowing you have helped one person in need, their family, and 

in a larger sense--your country.

 Though slight and incremental, if enough businesses did just that, that small, incremental 

movement could swing things back towards the right direction, and provide a portion of those 

who want to work the chance to support their families again.


Please consider it.  Talk it over in your office with your management, your staff, your friend

in the lunchroom.  Bring it up in a company meeting.  Or if you are in the right position to,

just do it.


Help to Rehire America.  Start the conversation today.